Brave frontier tilith
Brave frontier tilith

brave frontier tilith brave frontier tilith

When she reaches less than 15% HP the first time and every 7 turns onwards, she will have 100% damage reduction for the turn, and then proceed to use World of Rainbows the next turn. Best to guard all units if you do not have Angel Idol buff active since her AoEs can just kill off your units easily. Star phase: You must use at least 10 BB/SBB by the end of the 2nd turn of this phase.ĭo note that using recast will not increase the BB/SBB count, and extra action will make your previous move not counted towards the BB/SBB requirement.Įvery 10 turns, she will use White Incense which buffwipes one random unit. Moon phase: You must use UBB on the 2nd turn of this phase. If you don't perform the following conditions correctly, she'll punish you with Sacred Rainbow Shine instead, which buffwipes 2 units and then doing 2 really strong AoE nukes that will kill off your units if you don't have Angel Idol buff active. If you perform the conditions right, she will use Rainbow Afterglow, which fills max BC and 50% OD gauge to your squad. When she has less than 51% HP, she will gain a permanent Atk and Def buff to make her attacks hit a bit harder and her becoming more tanky.Įvery 3 turns, she'll say either A rainbow moon has appeared! or A rainbow star has appeared! The ST attacks are quite lethal, and you'll likely won't survive without UBB mitigation up. She will do 2 strong ST attacks before draining all BB gauge from the whole party when her HP is less than 80%, 60%, 40%, 25%. Any mention of UBB mitigation can also be substituted with UBB evasion or UBB Angel Idol instead and it will still be fine.Įvery turn she will spam anywhere between 1~3 Prism Lovers, the AoE attack is quite strong and will likely kill off your units if you don't have UBB mitigation up. Seeing as some people have trouble with this dungeon and there's not much guides floating around for this rather easy to moderate difficulty dungeon, I'll try to outline the fight info and the possible strats people used.

Brave frontier tilith